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Base Cote 

(yes, another pun) is our "Founders Club"  and it's open to the first 100 folks to join. 

We're offering our highest discounts (while still being able to pay our bills) and the perks are only available to you.

Dab of paint

Frequency = none!
$25 a month


  • 10% off all purchases​

  • Purchase wine whenever you need it!

Think of it as your wine slush fund.
Or a wine savings account

Buy wine whenever you need it throughout the year with
no fuss about upcoming shipments.


Warning:  may induce feelings similar to finding money in your couch cushions or jean pocket.

Base Cote 12

Frequency =
2x a year (Spring + Fall)


  • 20% off all purchases

  • Shipping on our tab

  • Access to Member Events

  • Exclusive Merch

  • Cote-Host Session 

Bring the party to your place!
You'll have the opportunity to coordinate and host your private Cote-Host Session with appearances by Kristin & Nick 
(subject to scheduling and availability).

Base Cote 6 

Frequency =
2x a year (Spring + Fall)


  • 20% off all purchases

  • Flat Rate Shipping
    CA: $15     Not CA: $25

  • Access to Member Events

  • Exclusive Merch





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Canceling this club means your spot becomes available for next in line.

Base Cote full up? Tenure and participation in another club means you're eligible for a Base Cote invite should a spot open up!* 

*We appreciate all our
members, patrons, and community equally!


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